
Embracing the process

About a month and a half ago I started working part time at the farm... in the office, that is. It hasn't been the easiest transition, considering I know nada about the agricultural industry, and working with family is also unexplored territory for me. But I'm eagerly and steadily learning how to process these changes. I just have to keep in mind that while the start of my own involvement is a huge challenge now, it will ease up and come with reward in the future. On the 'bright side', I've already found that I'm beginning to comprehend the complexity and hard work that goes into my husband's job. I might not fully grasp the farming lingo, but the ability to (somewhat) intelligently discuss family AND farm happenings with Chris surely beats a blank stare and confused mind.

One of the ways I've learned more about the farm is through my first big project. Helping to gather and write content for their new website, set to launch by month's end (fingers crossed), is the perfect introduction into Fabin farming basics. So in the spirit of change, personal growth and the processing of new information, I'd like to share soybean growth and processing with you...

Soybean 101: The farm's soybean facility is capable of processing 10,000 bushels of soybeans per week. Just to give you an idea, one bushel weighs about 60 lbs... I can't even begin to wrap my head around those numbers (probably never will). After they are cleaned, the beans run through a chemical-free process that naturally converts them into meal and oil. The oil can be refined into thousands of different products including bio-diesel, human food and cosmetics, while the meal provides a high-quality source of protein and amino acids for livestock. The farm produces and markets around 12,000 tons of meal and 350,000 gallons of soy oil per year. The process is really quite interesting to see up close (stop by if you're ever in town), AND it totally smells like popcorn!!
He thinks he's a soybean :)
 Edamame with soy sauce is one of my all-time favorite snacks. Coincidence?!

1 comment:

  1. i can't wait to see the new site that you're working on! these are really cool pics, i had been wanting to know more about the soybean process over there. and i get it now! so cool. and seems like it will be a huge success. yaaay!


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